What will be in my pet page and what does it look like?
Your pet page will have this information in it:
- Owner name
- Scan-able QR code
- Demeanor or other info. ex.: Neighbor next door to left has back yard access.
- Member Since date
- Pet name
- Pet type
- Watcher’s name
- Emergency phone
- Emergency eMail
- Other info can be put into your private account dashboard, such as veterinarian, etc.

What people see on the public facing side of your profile
How does the Membership work?
You can join FPW for the first year and only get the two cards plus a placard. If you sign up each year then you will get new cards and placard (duplicates or new style if it changes). Your pet details will be in our database forever, unless you contact us to remove all of it. You may change the details from your personal control panel at any time.
We may provide many other membership promotions and gifts as we grow; so renewing each year is a great idea and can give you added benefits as a yearly member.
Can I have more than one assigned pet watcher?
Yes, just be sure to separate the names and emails and phone numbers by a comma so that the information will be legible.
How is my personal data used by this website?
You may visit our Privacy Policy page for detailed information on this subject but in general, we do not use your information for any outside marketing whatsoever, at this time. If we do decide to work with outside markets that we feel would benefit you as a FPW member, we will be sure to update this notice and the updated pages when this happens. At this time we only use local storage (cookies on your computer) to save your login session info, so that your can utilize our site securely without worries of anyone getting into your account.
What do I get when joining FPW?
We provide the peace of mind that you will be glad to have for the times when you can not get back to your pets and take care of them. By joing FPW you will receive two free ID cards that are wallet size; and one 5″ x 7″ placard that can be used as a sign to put in your home window or in your vehicle. These provide a method for anyone who sees them, to be able to contact the person that you have assigned as your pet watcher. You may get occasional emails about any new services or news articles related to the FPW website. Be sure to renew your membership every year to get the most out of the experience.
How can I allow my Pet Watcher to change any new details about my pet?
We are currently working on a secure method which will allow your pet caregiver—the person you assign as the Pet Watcher—to login to this site and update any new data in your pet profile. We plan on using a secure hash email service for this that will allow you to email that person so they may have certain access to be able to update emergency information.
For example, a Pet Watcher could change their address or phone number and forget to tell you that they did this. Having a limited access to your account will make any changes go smoother so that all parties are up to date with your pet’s new information. Look for this sometime in 2024. We will let you know when this is active.
Why do I have to renew my membership each year?
FindPetWatcher is a new venture and we do not want to discourage new members from joining. So we decided to provide a subscription (or recurring payment) option to our yearly membership only in the next year or so of our services with this website. For the time being, you will get a reminder eMail to sign up again, at the end of your membership year.
Once the new recurring payment portal is setup and activated, we will immediately notify you and make it easy for you to convert any yearly membership to a full subscription membership. Only at that time would we set your payments as recurring payment to once a year. Even when this happens you will always have the option to NOT be charged the renewal fee so that you can stop recurring payments at any time.
How do I change or remove my profile information?
To get into your personal profile page you will need to be signed in. You can use the “Edit My Info” link that is located in the top-menu of this website to login with. Once you are logged in you will see a link to My Profile Account Page on that Owner Account page. By clicking this link you will be sent to the dashboard of the site where you can add, delete, change any of the fields.
What information will I want to put in pet profile private (logged in) profile page?
Here is a screenshot of an example private profile page.